Best Podcasts of 2015

2015 has been the year of the podcast. These are some of my favorites from the year.

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss Show

In-depth interviews with stellar, broad-ranging guests who are at the very top of their fields. Full of insightful nuggets of wisdom, and tactics of success to apply to your own life.

My recommendation would be to start with a few names you recognize and branch out from there. A few of my favorites from 2015:

Seriously, that was just the shortlist…



I get the same feeling I did during the first season of Lost, delivered through a modern radio drama. I sent this to a number of friends, a couple who took it to be a true story. It’s that good. Chilling and suspenseful.

Season 1 has ended, so it’s a great time to catch up. Really hope we see more like this in 2016.

99 Percent Invisible & Radiolab

Mentioned together since these are the originals to me, and have only increased in quality over the years. These would make my list going back all the way to when I first heard of podcasts.

99 Percent Invisible

99 Percent Invisible: fascinating explorations of the invisible, unseen aspects of design and architecture all around us. Roman Mars’ voice is probably enough to get anyone hooked though.


Radiolab: Jad and Robert explore questions of science, philosophy, emotion, etc. through enthralling stories with unique and captivating production.

Honorable Mentions

Product Hunt

Product Hunt Podcast

Started off more for product geeks, looking at the people behind the products. More recently has been Erik Torenberg interviewing a broad range of makers and leaders in a Tim-Ferriss-esque format. He is turning into a great interviewer, so I will continue to follow him.

Hidden Brain

Hidden Brain

Relatively new, but absolutely great so far. Explores the surprising science of the brain and human psychology.